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Written by Milos
Updated over a week ago

The Enrollments option allows setting up a maximum number of recipients to be introduced into a campaign. Use this feature to reserve sending limit for initial as well as for follow-up emails. Sounds complicated? Well, buckle up and get ready.

With the standard Autoklose way of sending, especially for campaigns with a large number of recipients and a lot of follow-ups, it is possible to not send an initial introductory email to new recipients for a long time. This means that after the initial email, for a set number of recipients, only follow-ups will be sent out, while other recipients will just sit in the campaign queue and wait for their turn to be enrolled into a campaign.
Enrollments give a way to make this long wait a bit shorter and more predictable, where each follow-up (email) has a reserved sending, which will make planning a bit easier.

The Enrollments option can be found on the Campaign settings page. It can not be great than the email connection sending speed or campaign sending limit. In case the Ramp-up feature is active, it can affect the real sending capabilities of the account and campaign, and in turn, the number of people that can be enrolled.

Here is a simple example:
Sending speed for the email account is 500 emails per day.
The sequence contains 5 emails with this schedule:
Initial EMAIL 1 - EMAIL 2 (3 days after previous) - EMAIL 3 (3 days after previous) - EMAIL 4 (5 days after previous) - EMAIL 5 (3 days after previous)
Enrollments are set to 100.

For the first 3 days, only email 1 will be sent. Enrollments are set to 100, and this is the maximum number of emails that can be sent from the phase. After 3 days, it is time for email 2. The initial batch of campaign recipients will start getting email 2, but also, new 100 recipients will be enrolled into a campaign and get email 1. After 3 days, it is time for email 3. The first batch will get email 3, the second email 2, and the new 100 will be introduced into campaign email 1. For 3 days, sending will continue as normal, but on day 10, all emails from the initial batch will be sent out, so this will open up space for more contacts to be enrolled. On day 12, we will reach the email 4 delay, and the initial batch will start receiving emails from this phase. Once the initial batch reaches email 5, the campaign will start sending to or close to full capacity (500 emails per day) since in all 5 phases, there will be at most 100 recipients.

Of course, this example covers fixed values for easier visualization. A real campaign should have more capacity since the number of recipients in later phases usually drops due to replies, bounces, or other ways of reaching the end of the campaign (Automate Actions and Decision tree conditions).

In case you wish to get the most out of the Enrollments option and send emails in the most optimal way, it is recommended to plan ahead. The enrollment number should be equal to or lower than the number that you get when the sending limit value is divided by the number of emails in the campaign sequence. This way, you will be ensuring each phase/email of the campaign has enough sending available, even when the campaign is sending all emails from the sequence on the same day.

It is not recommended to change the enrollment number mid-campaign as it can create issues with the follow-up schedule and cause the system to not follow and respect delays between emails of the sequence.
The simplest way of using enrollment is when there is only one active campaign. Of course, it is possible to create and use multiple campaigns with enrollment, but it can require some manual planning for the best results and utilization of sending limit.

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