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Automate Actions

Create campaign using IF conditions

Milos avatar
Written by Milos
Updated over a week ago

Conditions for standard and drip campaigns were hardcoded and restrictive, so we have updated campaigns to provide more flexibility and introduced the new Automate Actions feature. It replaces the switch between standard and drip and gives the opportunity to create more customized campaigns with multiple conditions and actions that follow.

Option to create and automate actions can be found in the campaign Step 1 (Campaign Settings). Once a brand new campaign is created, the Automate Actions section is set to the default condition "Any reply" and action "Stop campaign". This replaces the old standard campaign and means that recipients who replied (engaged/positive reply, not interested/negative reply, out of office, autoresponse) will be removed from the campaign and won't receive any follow-ups from the sequence, or in case of the Bounce or Unsubscribe reply moved to the Do-Not-Email list.

In case there is a need to create a campaign that will send emails regardless of the fact that recipient replied or not (Drip campaign), simply click on the Delete button next to the default condition. Once the action "Any reply"/"Stop campaign" is removed, contacts will receive every email in a sequence even if they replied to the previous one. Only unsubscribed contacts or emails that bounced will be removed from the campaign.

Available IF conditions that can be used to customize and automate campaign are:

  1. Email is sent - once an email is sent THEN perform the action

  2. Any reply - once the recipient replies to the campaign email THEN perform the action. Reply types considered in this case are Positive (Engaged), Negative (Not interested), Out of Office, and Autoresponse. Bounce reports and Unsubscribe responses are separate categories of replies, and they are ALWAYS moved to the Do-Not-Email list (in case reply tracking is turned ON) and removed from all active campaigns.

  3. Engaged - once the recipient replies with a positive or neutral response THEN perform the action.
    Not interested - once the recipient replies with a negative response THEN perform the action.
    Please note that there is a difference between a Negative reply/Not interested and an Unsubscribe request. Read more about this here.
    Auto-Response - once the recipient replies with autoreply (if campaign recipient retired, moved to a different company department, and similar) THEN perform the action.

    Out of Office - once the recipient replies with an OOO reply THEN perform the action. Action that goes well with this condition is "Continue campaign" as it will not stop sequence for this automated response.

  4. Link is clicked - once a link from the email is clicked on THEN perform the action. Currently, it is possible to set a specific link, but it is necessary to first complete Step 4, create email with at least one link, and then go back to Step 1 and select specific link for automation.

  5. Email is opened - once an email from the campaign is opened THEN perform the action.

  6. Attachment downloaded - once email attachment is downloaded THEN perform the action.
    Same as for Link is clicked, in case there is a need to perform automation on specific file download, after finishing up the email in step, 4, return to Step 1 and set a specific attachment action.

In case any tracking activity is deactivated in the campaign settings, all conditions related to that activity will be removed from the list of available conditions.

IF set conditions are met, THEN the selected action will be performed. Available actions in the THEN dropdown menu are:

  1. Apply a tag - once selected, an additional field with available tags will appear. It is possible to select already existing tags as well as create new ones. Only tags owned by the user can be selected in this action, other member tags can not be applied.

  2. Remove a tag - remove the selected tag IF the set condition is met.

  3. Remove Recipient - this action stops the campaign for recipients that met the IF condition.

  4. Add to Campaign - once the IF condition is met, THEN move the recipient to the selected campaign. The recipient can be moved to any existing user campaign (Draft, Paused, In progress, Finished). Campaigns from other team members are not available in this action.

  5. Add to Do-Not-Email list - once the IF condition is met, move recipient to the do-not-email (DNM) list. Such recipients will be removed from all active campaigns and will not be available for future uploads (as long as in the DNM list).

  6. Add domain to Do not Email list - once the IF condition is met, move the recipient domain to the DNM list. As an example, IF a recipient bounces, THEN move to the list of Do-Not-Email domains. All contacts from domain in the team database will be moved to the DNM list, and future contacts from this domain will not be uploaded. A list of Do-Not-Email domains is available in Settings. Find out more about this feature in this article.

  7. Continue Campaign - this action is available only in case the condition is Out-of-Office. Basically, in case of an OOO reply, the campaign will continue sending to that recipient.

In case, Pipedrive integration is active, there will be more actions available:

  1. Add/Sync Contact to Pipedrive - Pipedrive person will be added or the existing one synced once the condition is met.

  2. Record Activity in Pipedrive - condition activity will be recorded in the Pipedrive person activity log.

Even more actions can be used in case Salesforce integration is active and running:

  • Convert Lead in Salesforce - once the predefined campaign condition is reached, the Lead Status will be changed. The action will not automatically convert leads. Due to various possible outcomes, the conversion process must be finished manually inside Salesforce.

  • Close Lead in Salesforce - upon specific action (usually the Not interested or Unsubscribe reply), set the status of the lead to Closed Lead. The action will not automatically close the lead. Due to different possible outcomes, the closing process must be finished manually inside Salesforce.

  • Update/Create Lead in Salesforce - in case a lead already exists in Salesforce, update the record. If no matching lead is found and no SFDC contact is associated with the recipient, create a (new) Lead.

  • Update Lead in Salesforce - in case a lead already exists in Salesforce, update the record.

  • Update/Create Contact in Salesforce - in case a contact already exists in Salesforce, update the record. If no matching contact is found and no SFDC contact is associated with the recipient, create a (new) Contact.

  • Update Contact in Salesforce - in case a contact already exists in Salesforce, update the record.

  • Add Event to Salesforce - create an event inside a lead or contact inside Salesforce.

  • Add Task to Salesforce - create a task inside a lead or contact inside Salesforce.

Here are some ground rules:

  • It is possible to add multiple IF conditions in a way that makes sense.

    For example, the first condition is to "Stop campaign" once the condition "Any reply" is met. Please note that this condition includes all reply types (Engaged, Not Interested, OOO, Auto). And the second condition is to "Continue campaign" if the recipient replies with an "Out-of-Office" reply. This is not possible since those 2 conditions are conflicting, only the firstly added condition will remain active.

  • It is possible to add multiple actions to the same condition, for example, "Continue campaign" in case of an OOO reply, and "Apply a tag" to such recipients too. Set the first Automatic action for the OOO/Continue campaign, click the "Add new" button, and from the dropdown menu select "Out of Office reply" again and choose the "Apply a tag" action.

  • In case the Decision tree is enabled in Step 4, all automatic actions will be disabled. A Tooltip (i) will present information that it is not possible to enable Automatic actions while the Decision tree is active.
    Automatic actions set before the Decision tree was enabled will be saved, but not active (grayed out). Once the Decision tree is turned off, actions will become active yet again.

  • It is not recommended to switch between Automate Actions and Decision tree once campaign is In progress as it may produce unwanted consequences and actions from the previous campaign type.

At the first look Automate Actions and Decision Tree campaigns may seem similar, but there are a lot of differences.

  • In Automate actions there isn't a limit to the number of conditions that can be added, while in the Decision tree this number is set to 7.

  • Automate Actions is campaign oriented, so, whichever conditions set in Step 1 of campaign creation, will be the same for all emails of the sequence. Decision tree gives an opportunity to set up campaigns at a more individual, campaign email level. The Decision tree can adjust the next email sent depending on the action taken by the prospect, while Automate Actions cannot.

  • In the Decision tree campaigns, the system waits a set number of days for conditions to be met. For example, wait 5 days for a recipient to click on a link. If this is done within the timeframe, the recipient is moved to the YES, and if not to the NO branch.
    Automate Actions doesn't have this waiting period. The system will take action whenever the recipient takes action - it’s not a time-sensitive setting.

  • In Automate Actions, there isn't a way to set the NO branch, and what will happen if set condition is not met.

  • Since the Decision tree is activated in Step 4 of campaign creation, it is possible to set a specific link in the "Contact clicked on the link from email" condition. Automated Actions are set in Step 1 before any emails are created or added, and it is not possible to set a specific link as a condition.

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