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Campaigns section

Campaigns management. Campaign section. Campaign statistics.

Jelena avatar
Written by Jelena
Updated over a week ago

Our Campaigns feature has got a visual facelift together with new functionalities that allow for a more detailed and granular overview of every recipient in a campaign.

In this screen, you will be able to see a list of all your (or your team’s) campaigns with overall information about each one of them, like the send from email, number of leads, the number of opened/replied emails out of all the emails sent from that particular campaign, the campaign status/ phase the campaign is in, and the start/end date for each campaign. Also, next to the campaign information, there’s an option to Edit the campaign directly, Pin or Unpin, change campaign status, Assign, Duplicate, or Remove campaign(s).

Similarly, some of these options are also shown in the campaign toolbar.

The difference here is that you can Add a new campaign to the list, use the Search box to find a specific campaign, or Filter campaigns by Campaign status or Sending schedule:

Single campaign overview:

The single campaign provides a much better overview of your campaign and the ability to see all stats on a more granular level. That way, you’ll be able to monitor the performance of your campaign and fine-tune it. 

We now have the following options:

  1. Details: 

This is the overall campaign information - redesigned to give a more detailed insight into your campaign analytics.   

From this screen, you can add more recipients to the campaign, download a recipients list, edit campaign, and much more.

All of the campaign numbers are shown here and once you click on each section it will lead you to the list of recipients that performed a specific action. If you wish to find out more about how percentages are calculated please check this article.

Sent statistics section quickly shows Total number of Emails Sent, number of Outstanding emails, and Campaign completion percentage.
Total Sent - all emails sent from the campaign.
Outstanding - a number that shows how many emails remain to be sent out until campaign is finished. This value is dynamic and will change once emails are sent out, recipients reply, bounce, or unsubscribe, or more emails and campaign recipients are added to campaign in progress.
Campaign Complete - is calculated when the number of total sent is divided by the sum of total sent and outstanding emails.

We know that replies are the most important to our users, so we decided to include a special section for replies only - the REPLIED STATISTICS shows the exact total number of replies that landed in your inbox folder.

Autoklose has integrated advanced AI and machine learning elements to enhance response identification and classification.

For each reply, there’s a different status you can assign to your recipients based on how they feel about your emails:

Interested - replies where recipients responded in a clear and positive way, confirmed booking, interested in the offer, and more.

Engaged - All replies that are in between positive and negative responses. The most obvious example is when the recipient wants more information about the offer or has a positive or negative opinion about the email, but with a set deadline when that opinion can change.
Eg. "Thank you for your email. Your offer is interesting, but we are in the middle of the contract. Please reach out again in 3 months and we will reconsider. Regards"

Auto-Response/Out of Office - If you received any of these replies, with this detection functionality you can re-add recipients to your campaign after their vacation or time off is over, so you won’t waste a perfectly good lead.

Unsubscribe - Better differentiation of Unsubscribe replies and the recipients that unsubscribed using the link inside your emails.

Not interested - Well, you can’t win them all, but what you can do is have the list of those who weren’t interested in what you have to offer, so you can invest some time in learning how you can overcome their objections. Please note that such replies are not considered unsubscribe requests, and they will not be added to the Do Not Email list automatically. In case you wish to find out more about this reply type please check the following article.

Bounced - If the email sent to a prospect gets bounced (cannot be delivered), this prospect is automatically assigned the status bounced and transferred to Do Not Email list so the system will not continue sending emails to that address.

CLICKED STATISTICS presents the total (all clicks including multiple clicks on the same link from the same recipient) and unique clicks (first recipient click on any link from email), as well as the number of recipients that opted out using the Unsubscribe link (token).

   2. Emails:

This tab will show you all the emails in the sequence with granular reporting for each one of them.

Outstanding emails columns show how many emails from each phase are left to be sent out.
If you want to make sure that your email copy looks good, a single click on the email will open a pop-up window with the email content

   3. Recipients:

This tab will show you detailed information on each recipient inside your campaign and their progress within the campaign cycle.

For each recipient, you can see detailed information, the phase they are in/ which email from the sequence they have received, the status of the recipient; you can add or remove tags, and perform various other actions such as exporting the recipients list in a CSV file, add them to another campaign, remove them from the campaign, and by clicking on the “view” option next to a recipient’s email you will be able to see that recipient’s activity in that particular campaign or add that contact to the Do Not Email list. 

The same can be performed by single-clicking on the email address of the recipient. 

Recipients can be filtered using the advanced filters:

The most important improvement is that you can manually change the status of a recipient, which can come in handy if you are running multichannel campaigns from different platforms. Simply select one or more contacts for which you would like to change status, and choose the desired one from the dropdown:

Active - Each contact is given this status right after being added to Autoklose. In a campaign, this status means that the prospect either hasn’t been contacted yet or hasn’t yet replied so the sequence continues sending to that recipient.

Engaged, Not Interested, Interested, Auto Response, Out of Office - different reply types you can use in case recipient reached out to you via different channel (phone, Linkedin,...) or in case Autoklose AI recognition did not apply the correct reply type status.

Unsubscribed and Bounced - contacts with these statuses will be added to DNE list (Do not Email) and will be removed from this and all other active team campaigns.

Removed - We assign this status in the campaign to contacts that were removed from the campaign recipients section yet you had contacted them before. When you remove your recipient's address from the recipient's list, you will still find them in the campaign they were added to with the status removed. We keep these contacts in your campaign to make sure your statistics are correct.

Campaign Stopped - by default, this status is added when the recipient reaches Automated Action or Decision tree condition and is removed from the campaign automatically. Of course, it is possible to assign this status manually if needed.

Recipients with an active status can be assigned any other available status and removed from the campaign in that way, while all the other recipients’ statuses need to be changed to the active status first

Please note that each and every recipient in Autoklose has some status value assigned to them.
This status might be different in Contacts section and in Campaign section so when you check the status of some contacts it sometimes has one value in contacts section, and another in the campaign(s) that they are included in. The status in the main list depends on several things and is difficult to break down if the prospect has been contacted multiple times while the status in a campaign is a way simpler to break down.

4. Attachments:

On this tab you can find all campaign attachments and the number of total and unique downloads. It is also possible to directly download the attached files. Download all files using the green "Download" button, or just specific ones by clicking on the "Link" button in the "Download attachment" column.

Total and Unique values are clickable and will show the exact recipients that downloaded the specific attachment.

Next in line are the tabs for different action items. 

5. Individual statistics tabs:

At your disposal is the list of sent emails, opened/ clicked/replied emails with the phase from which the recipient’s activity came and the date when the action was performed. 

SENT - list of all emails sent from the campaign, sorted by sending date and time. From this tab it is possible to Add recipients to a different campaign, Export selection, Apply or Remove Tag from selected contact/s, Set Recipient Status, Add or Remove from DNE, and Remove recipient from campaign.

OPENED - full list of all opened emails, even multiple email opens from one recipient.

CLICKED - view a list of recipients that clicked any link from the campaign as well the exact link in your email that was clicked. 

REPLIED - gives you the ability to see the actual reply without having to log in to your email client, and you can see and filter replies by the reply type.

Contains all the same options as other statistic tabs, with one distinction. With already mentioned possibility to Change Recipient Status, one the Replied tab it is possible to Change Reply Type as well.
Also, from this screen, you can re-add recipients who replied to your campaign and continue the sequence where it left off. The same can be achieved using the Set Recipient Status and setting it to Active.

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Your team!

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