Sent Emails

Page where all emails sent from Autoklose campaigns or Inbox will be shown.

Milos avatar
Written by Milos
Updated over a week ago

Sent Emails page lists all emails sent from Autoklose. All Campaign emails and emails sent from Inbox using Compose New Email, Reply, Reply All, or Forward actions will be shown on this page.
Emails sent using Send Test Email feature inside campaign will not show here!

Search and Filter options on the right side can be used to narrow down the selection and find desired sent emails easier.

Email Types:

Forward - emails sent using Forward option from Inbox

New Email - emails sent using Compose New Email option from Inbox

Reply - emails sent using Reply All or Reply options from Inbox

Campaign Email - emails sent from any campaign will be presented with this type.

All searched or filtered sent emails will be presented below. By default, sent emails are sorted by the Date/Time column. To ease up navigation through sent emails, the subject line and campaign name will be presented in the appropriate column too. "No campaign" name will be shown if emails are sent from the Inbox page.

"TO:" column shows recipients. If there are multiple recipients or CC/BCC contacts "All recipients" button will appear. It will show all email addresses added in the "TO:" and CC/BCC fields.

If you wish to check and see the sent message, just click anywhere within the reply line, or use the View option on the right-hand side. This action will open up the message page, where the response and all of the threaded emails can be seen.

The options to Reply, Reply All (if there are multiple recipients), and Forward message to some other contact/s are presented at the bottom of the page. If you wish to reply back, the From field will be predefined with the account used to send the initial email.

Emails sent via Compose New Email, Reply, Reply All, and Forward count toward the daily sending limit. If and when you hit the limit, all active campaigns will stop sending for the day until the next available day comes.

One-off emails will have priority over the campaign sequence emails.

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If you have any questions do not hesitate to initiate a live chat.

Happy klosing! :)

Your team!

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